  1. Noel Y'all

From the recording Noel Y'all

My viewpoint of Christmas was getting too sanitized, and I was getting depressed too often during the holidays.  This song was a gift to me to remind me how chaotic the first Christmas was.


They headed northeast to another old West Texas town
They caught the headwind of a blue norther front rollin down
Lupe y Paulo in one Chevrolet, wrecked and old
Polluting the air with its blackening, oil burning smoke
Now it’s never a good time to get the immigration’s call
And with Lupe’s condition it made it hard for them to travel at all
But their green cards and documentation had to be in fine order
‘Cause that’s the price you pay when you live this side of the border
Now the car overheated and Paolo looked for a mechanic
And Lupe’s water broke, and she bit her lip, trying to fight back the panic
In the service bay of the station, her contractions came steady
And Paolo yelled out, “Call 911, mi esposa, she’s ready!”
Now the sun was rising by the time the baby finally came
And I sincerely hope that I don’t have to tell you His name
It’s good to remember, He entered by the water and the blood
And in poverty’s disguise, He moved into our neighborhood.